Closures Policy

Ayer Library’s foremost interest is in providing the best possible library services to its patrons. In pursuit of that goal, we seek to avoid any unscheduled closures that would prevent patrons from using the Library during regular business hours. However, under unusual circumstances that test the limits of public safety, the Library may close the building to the public.


The Library may close at any time for emergencies (e.g. issues with heating system, plumbing, electrical outage, etc.) at the discretion of the Director. If an official "State of Emergency" is declared by the Governor and/or Federal government, the Library will close.

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, the Library will make all reasonable attempts to open. If it is determined that travel conditions may be unsafe for the public—including the conditions of the Library’s sidewalks and parking lot—the Library may close, open late, or close early at the discretion of the Director. Such determination may be made in consultation with the Ayer Shirley Regional School District, the Town Manager, the Department of Public Works, the Facilities Director, the Council on Aging, and other area libraries.


The Director will notify the Trustees, the Town Manager, the Police Department, the Department of Public Works, and the Facilities Director of any closures. Library staff will make every effort to ensure the public is informed of unexpected closures by posting notices wherever appropriate (e.g. signs on Library doors, website and social media posts, outgoing phone announcements, etc).

Approved by the Ayer Library Board of Trustees on December 14, 2023